How do I host Josh for a meal during the Through Your Eyes World Tour?

This part of the Through Your Eyes World Tour scares me the most. Why? Well, I tend to be picky about food. Despite my fears, I am excited to try new food on the tour because I should have tried more food in Greece, and I regret not taking that chance when I had it.
In addition to the fact that food keeps you alive, it is also an essential part of your family culture. My excitement to learn more about your culture, traditions, and heritage overrides my fear of trying new food. I am willing to try anything, from spicy Mexican to healthy vegetarian food. I want to try it, to learn more about you, and to share the experience with you.
Allergies and Special Dietary Requirements
The first thing we should talk about is allergies and special dietary requirements. Other than an allergy to face paint, I have no known special dietary needs. So, as long as we don’t eat face paint, I should be good to eat anything you throw at me.
Meet and Greet
We can meet wherever you feel most comfortable, including at a restaurant, park, church, home, or other location you identify. I will keep the address confidential if we meet at your house to protect your privacy. During the initial meet-up, we will get to know each other and learn what makes each other tick.
What are we eating?
You don’t know me, you don’t know the type of food I like. This is because I want to try the foods you enjoy. The food that comes from your culture, I don’t want you to think about what food I will like. I am excited to experience and gain an understanding of your culture. As I said before, a meal is essential to understanding someone’s culture, heritage, and traditions. What we eat is your choice. Choose a meal that is significant to you and your family. It could be a meal you discovered while serving in a foreign country or a traditional dish handed down by generations of your ancestors. Alternatively, it could be a meal that is a new tradition for your family, like Chinese Duck instead of turkey for Christmas. The bottom line is that I don’t care as much about what we eat as I do about why we eat it.
Prepare Meal
If you make the food and time permits, I am more than willing to help prepare or serve it. I might not be the best cook, but I can help out. If you are open to sharing the recipe, I would love to get it, even if it is for Cambodian Deep-Fried Tarantula. That would be an exciting thing to eat. I want to get the recipe to prepare a recipe book with all the dishes I experienced on the tour. I can’t wait to try your favorite meal and share what you have prepared with others!
Time to Eat!
Food tends to sound good after a long bike ride, so I am excited it is time to eat! I look forward to every dish I try on this tour, even though I may only like some of what I taste. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, and I am not a food critic, so I will not be judging your food and comparing it to the food of others. So please don’t ask me if I like it more than the food I ate the other day.
Learn The Backstory Of The Meal
While eating, we will have an excellent opportunity to discuss why the meal is one of your favorites. What is the story behind the meal? The answer is more important than the food itself. Usually, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but I’m weird, and I would like to know what makes it special to you, so please open up and share the meal’s backstory!
I hate to eat and run, but it will be time for me to depart after our meal. There isn’t much to say here besides thank you for hosting me for a meal. Thank you for sharing a part of your culture with an outsider. I appreciate your support on this grand adventure. So, it is time for our goodbyes.
Whether providing a meal or just reading this article and hoping it all goes well, your support means a lot to me. I am more thankful than you know, and I hope to meet you on our grand adventure!
Josh Taylor – signing off